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Role: Social media manager, copywriter, communications executive

Malaysian Institute for Debate and Public Speaking (MIDP) is an educational institution which aims to facilitate the advancement of human capital in Malaysia through the development and promotion of leadership and soft skills. I was interning from October 2018 to February 2019. I established a brand guideline for the institution, designed a few simple social media graphics, handled their social media pages (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn), collaborated with multiple non-governmental organisations as well as relevant government departments and planned small-scale events.

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Twitter
  • LinkedIn
Blurry Gradient

Social Media Growth

Facebook analytics from September 2018 to February 2019


Total fans (page likes)




Fan growth (vs previous year)


Peak page engagement


Gained fans (page likes)

Organised Events


MIDP Open Day 2018

The Malaysian Institute for Debate and Public Speaking cordially invites you to our annual Open Day this December!





MIDP Nightcap: Open Mic

With the theme, “Never Will I Ever Again”, MIDP Nightcap: Open Mic is for individuals to showcase their talent and share their experiences on stage. Everyone is cordially invited to witness local talents perform their heart out!



MIDP x Unicef

In collaboration with UNICEF Malaysia, the Malaysian Institute for Debate and Public Speaking (MIDP) proudly presents a debate showcase featuring some of the best debaters in the world to discuss the topic “Should Kindness Be Legislated?”.

Supplementary Writing

An opening speech for then-MIDP CEO, Ahmed Faris.

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